How do I view a message from a medical care team provider in the Tendo iOS app?
Once you compose a message to a provider, you can read your provider’s response in your Messages inbox.
If the Messages link is not available in the Tendo menu, your healthcare system does not support this feature.
Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply. You may be billed for medical advice.
Open Messages
In the sidebar menu, click the Messages link.

View Message Threads
The Inbox displays any messages that you have sent to a provider.

Open Message Thread
To open a message, click the message thread.

View Message
Your provider’s message displays below your initial message and displays the date and time you received a response.

View Attachment
If your provider has included an attachment, you can view it by tapping the attachment. You’ll be able to share and download the attachment.

Send Reply
To reply to your provider, type your response in the message thread’s text field [1].
To add an attachment, click the Attach icon [2].
When you are ready to send your message, click the Send button [3].

View Closed Message
If your message does not include a Reply field, the message has been closed by your provider. To reply to the provider, compose a new message.